Saturday, 5 March 2016

Grace under pressure

Finally back here, sorry it took awhile. A lot of things happened recently I just cannot find the time to blog about it, but here I am. So last week Tuesday, my throat, where it was operated on, bled once again. Its in a huge quantity that I have no choice but to head back to the hospital. I thought it was no big deal and that the bleeding will subside in awhile but I was wrong, my surgeon put me back on the operating theater as my throat was actively bleeding and because it's considered as 'post-tonsillectomy bleed', which is a rare case and only happens to 5% of the patients who done that operation. The way my surgeon tried to stop my bleeding before the operation was damn painful - he stuffed the gauze directly into the bleeding area and pressed against it. So if you read about it, tonsillectomy operation happens at the back of the mouth, near the opening of my throat. Can you imagine where the gauze actually is? 

I literally broke down halfway when the doctor was attempting to put the gauze back. It's really painful and I was all alone dealing with all this, thankfully the nurse was there and she comforted me. What's worse, because it was actively bleeding, the blood form a jelly clot that is like 2 diameter size of a 50 cent coin, almost blocked my breathing air passage way.

When the doctor removed the clot from my throat I swear the nurse was shock cause she froze for awhile. But ya it was extremely uncomfortable   The reason why there was this huge blood clot was because I waited 4 hours before I get to see my surgeon  
Then... I was hospitalized for 3 days this time round. I thought the days there would be so tough to get by but I met some interns who studies at NP too, I swear they made my days there better, at least it wasn't so bored. 
The most painful thing was this attached on my hand. The needle was longer than the usual and I cant bend my left hand at all.

I was hazel grace for one night (TFIOS)
W came by on the second night with an unexpected lovely sunflower, thank you ᵔ.ᵔ 
But guess what? On Friday afternoon I AM BACK IN THE HOSPITAL ONCE AGAIN 
Why? Because the left side of my operated area bleed. What is this? Taking turns to bleed and make me suffer is it? I was so pessimistic already and this happened again, My blood not free flow one okay I felt like I'm going to pass out soon I went to the A&E this time (another $120 fly) and the same process took place but more tedious work. There was 3 doctors handling me, so it's like a 3 man work. One held the torch, one held the tongue presser and one of the surgeon doctor did the suction. I was SUPPOSED to be warded again but I'm alright so I didn't listen to the doctor advise  

I was suppose to go Batam with my whole family yesterday but I can't risk it and there's nothing for me to eat too, so my whole family went without me. Second time missing my family oversea trip *cries*

Now I just really hope my wound faster heal so I can do the stuff I wanna do properly without talking difficulties. Please throat please be good and recover. 

Lengthy post right HAHA okay that's all for my throat! bye!