Yesterday was probably one of the best few days of the year. So there was this airline company who had their cabin crew opening. I have always wanted to give it a try so I went for it. I downloaded the form last week and yesterday was the interview day. I didn't expect myself to go that far but of course, like the rest of the people who went, I was hopeful and deep down I hoped that I will be able to get through.
I only arrived around 11:30am because I couldn't find the location of the office, I was placed in group 7. I guess every group had 10 hopefuls. So there are actually 60 people who went for the interview before me. At the waiting room, before we went in to another room for interview, we went for the first test round. The height limit.
I thought I didn't pass the first round because of my height. I struggled to reach the line and kind of feel disheartened because the rest could reach the line easily and I barely made it.
Then we went to another conference room and that is when the real shit begins. So we were all asked for self introduction and why we wanted to be a cabin crew. I was the first few so I had to be quick minded and think of what I could say to secure my position. When it was my turn I just kept smiling and said what I wanted to say. The rest of the interview was pretty good and they really said inspiring things too. I was pretty impressed but I feel like it was scripted, but they really did well. After the introductory round, we were all told to wait outside to see who made it through to round 2.
Guess what?
I WAS SO AMAZED AND STOKED. Literally wanted to jump for joy when my name was the only that is called.
After that the staff took me for uniform try out and skin check and I passed. Then there was another round of interview which was so intense. It was a 1 - 1 interview and thankfully, I passed it too!
Filled up some form after that and then there comes the final interview at 3pm.
12 candidates was chosen out of the 90 candidates and this final interview was with the HR so it was considered quite serious as while we were waiting for them to arrive, there was complete silence, literally no one spoke a word to each other. Even our breathing could be heard can you imagine how serious it is.
When the interview started, everything turn out to be better than I thought. It was not as serious as I presume it is to get to know us better and see who actually made it through.
Now we're just gonna wait for the email to come. To be honest this is one of the most meaningful experience I will never forget, even if I don't get in in the end. At least I tried, right?
When I look back, I won't regret taking this chance.
Someone said I am ambiguous but what's life without taking chances right?